Elan s4 bonnet catch

Can anyone help ?the bonnet catch is released at one side but not the other lt looks as if the bonnet is over the wrong side ,I just got the car today any ideas on how to rectify this

First thing is to try pushing the bonnet down, at the side that is not releasing, while at the same time pulling the release handle.

Do the S4 have two pulls, one for each side like the S3?

On RHD cars only one pull handle does both latches. Handle is under the dash on the right side.

I’ve tried pushing the bonnet down still no luck
It just has one bonnet pull for both sides ,

If the bonnet catches have been fitted correctly with the screws and spire clips and with the screws going in from the passenger side then the bonnet catch can be released from inside the car.
Unfortunately a lot of people fit the screws from the engine side but even if they are correct it’s not easy to get to the screws particularly on S3 and S4’s cars.

The screws are in from under the bonnet I think I’m going to try and cut the clips off :unamused:

They are stainless steel so difficult to cut.
You might be able to get something like a bread knife behind the bonnet to ease the clip back.

If the bonnet has gone the wrong side of the spring catch you can probably release it with a length of stiff wire. Bend about 1" at right angles, push it down between spring catch and bulkhead and rotate it to push the catch forward while pushing down on the rear edge of the bonnet to take the load off the catch.
I suspect the problem is that your release cable needs adjusting and the spring catches are too far away from the bulkhead. The outer cable has an adjuster in the centre, lengthen it to push the spring catches closer to the bulkhead so the catch on the bonnet lands on the ramp part of the spring catch and not behind it.

Managed to get the bonnet open using a Dremmel to grind the screw clips checked the other side the bonnet catch is broken does anyone know where to purchase new clips

Do you mean the spring catch is broken ?
That is available from SJ Sportscars and all the other Lotus parts suppliers too…

sjsportscars.com/parts-and- … U0027Z.htm


parts.classicteamlotus.co.u … -319-p.asp

Thanks for al the information I will order clips tomorrow