Looking to clean and restore colour to crash pad, want to keep original and not buy replacement
If there are no cracks you can simply clean rough dirt with regreasing soap - to avoid drying out the abs -it might get greyish by too sharp cleaners. You could use a high quality plastic care afterwards for the looks and for cleaning as well. Maybe better to use silikone free products - so you have the chance to glue something if needed.I used solid plant oil soap from the bio shops. The ones for cleaning hands… Warm surrounding temperature would help to reduce danger of stress cracks
PS my S2 windscreenframe to body sealing strip was painted with grey base coat and two layers of old paint - as it was „scrap“ anyway, I decided to experiment with Revell plastic friendly paint remover. It worked fine and showed no cracks after this torture. No guarantee. It still looks fine after a few month …