Elan S3 chassis numbers

I am looking to but an “E” registered Elan S3. The car is stripped but mainly complete however the commission plate is missing, but could be in one of a multitude of boxes that contain parts and stuff. The car does however have the origional 1960’s log book and this quotes a number of 3616993. This number sems a bit strange to so can anyone enlighten me on this. My sprint commission number is totally different as it begins with the year and month of manufacture.

Can anyone help as to what this means. And if the origional commission plate cannot be found does this affect the value?


ps the engine number agrees with the orgional 1960’s log book

The number you quote seems high (16993) if the (1) were a mistake then I think 6993 would be about right, see:


Good to see you back from SA. Hope your keeping well!! and not missing your Europa.

I think you are correct, the number may be 36/6993 is is an FHC S3.
Does the 6993 mean that this is a late model and perhaps an S/E?

Aside from that my Sprint is driving really well now having covered almost 2000 miles since getting it back together.


!! and not missing your Europa…
Yes a bit but life moves on.

Does the 6993 mean that this is a late model and perhaps an S/E?..
Not sure if they were all SE’s after 6680 but have a look if the body has side indicators on the front fenders and if it has a chrome trim along the sill, I believe the SE’s had those.

Aside from that my Sprint is driving really well now having covered almost 2000 miles since getting it back together…
Great! so now want more Lotus trouble :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

My S3 fhc is 36/7168 and was registered on 9th August 1967 on an F plate, so yours seems to work being on an E plate.
I’m pretty sure that the S/E option was available to the end of S4 production, and was only deleted when the Sprint was announced. By then, virtually all cars had the S/E stuff, and even by the end of S3 production nearly all had the knock-on wheel option.

You can obtain a new replica Cheshunt Vin plate from Susan Miller, and I think that she can get it marked up…scratched on rather than stamped for these cars I seem to recall (I can check and photograph f you need to see the style). You’ll probably have to give her a copy of the logbook / V5c to prove ownership.

Mark (eitf), Since LOTUS moved to Norwich in 1966, why would an Elan made well into 1967 have a Chestnut plate?

Marc…I’m not sure when production began in Norfolk, but it must have been around the winter of '67. They started the move in '66, but the main production facility was purpose built between 66 & 67.

I seem to remember that they used some old existing buildings to transfer the fibreglass production pretty early on, and then brought the shells down to Cheshunt for assembly.

My S3 has a Cheshunt plate, but my Plus 2 has a Norwich one. The Plus 2 was delivered (in kit form) in July '68. The order for the Plus 2 was made in December '67 with two forms…Racing Engines Limites Delamare Road, Cheshunt, and the other Lotus Cars (Sales) limited, also Cheshunt.

I know they kept Cheshunt going for a while after production was transferred to Norfolk, calling it the Cheshunt Lotus Centre Ltd…I have the test certificate for the Plus 2 issued by them in August 1968.

I will have to have a dig around in some old books and see if I can get a definitive answer. :confused: