My new to me Elan S2 26/5746 lacks proper floorboards in the trunk. One supplier offers a 2 piece set ( both I believe plywood ) and another a 3 piece set ( 2 plywood, one fiberboard ) – what us correct for the S2?? can anyone provide a picture??
There was a fibreboard liner to the back of the trunk above the two plywood floorboards to protect the rear lights and panel from damage by luggage on my S4 and I presume a similar setup on the S2
it sounds like one supplier provides that and one does not.
It depends on the size and shape of the fibreboard as to where it fits. There is a small piece of fibreboard that is riveted to the fibreglass where the fuel pipe exits / enters the boot, that bridges the gap to the fuel tank. Stops things being droped down between the vertical front face of the boot and tank, and shorting the electrical connections of the sender, if it was a screwdriver, which could be interesting. Missing on most cars.
Simple to make your own … photos and drawings in this previous thread - for an S4 but I assume all models will be the same.
The Type 26 has a different internal boot space to the later cars. I don’t think the boot boards from later cars will fit.
There was no fibreboard liner protecting the back of the rear light, but folded metal covers.
Will try and take photos later today.
This is the part I am writing about. Top item is an original part. Bottom item is a NOS part. I could be wrong about it being rivetted in place as the original part has self tappers through it. I could be wrong about the whole shooting match if the op is writing about a backboard. Time will tell…maybe.
Attached is a photo of the boot boards from my S2 and Sprint.
The bit of fibreboard that protects the tank sender seems to be the same in both cars.
The second photo shows the lamp protectors.
the taillights were covered with two folded metal covers that the wiring runs into with grommets. My S1 which had the boot floor boards had two ply sections, the fire board was missing, I don’t recollect any holes. It makes sense to have it though as it would protect the wiring to the tank sender and the fuel pipe where it passes from tank into the body/chassis area.
I now use stainless steel or copper tube for the run tank to engine bay.
That’s interesting! My S2 also has two boot boards. I assumed that the second boot board, that sits on top of the tank, was made by the original owner. The fibre board tank sender cover came in a box of spares with the car.
The light protectors do have rubber grommets that protect the wiring. I believe S1’s had a different design protector.
I manufacture new exact replacement S2 taillight covers. I’ll be working on S1’s soon. If you need the floor boards, maybe I’ll tackle that also.
Stay healthy everyone,
The two panels on the right of Mazzini’s post are correct for S2 though the top one is the wrong way round (rotate 180 degrees) and on mine was fibre. A third piece, I believe was present when I bought it, covers the hole to the right of the tank. There was no hard cover over the tank, just the thick fabric over the whole boot (trunk) floor.
The main plywood cover has two battens underneath it which rest on the spare wheel or support the cover if there isn’t one.