Elan S2 door trim - video

Here’s a link to the next video of my Elan S2 restoration. This time the interior door trim.


Racing toward completion at a slow pace (can you race at a slow pace?).
Just in time for winter :laughing:

Thank you for sharing yet another very useful video. Would you by chance have a template drawing of the two particle boards plus location of the various holes? I have neither and would benefit from a template to start the process. Regards

Glad the videos are proving useful. I’ll dig out the original parts that were on the car and post the measurements. I can’t guarantee that they were the actual original parts but I suspect they were. Should be able to do it this weekend.


As mentioned on a previous post, these videos are very, very useful to S2 owners in particular.

The subject of doors in particular is a mystery if you have just a few parts the essential Buckland bible (better at the later cars) and Lotus WS Manual.

Templates would be very handy perhaps in PDF format?

I’ve measured the hardboard door panels that were fitted to my Elan S2 (1966) when I got the car. See the attached PDF file. I know the lower part was re-trimmed because it didn’t have the heat welded arm rest feature, so I can’t guarantee that the hardboard panels are original. You will see from the range of dimensions that they are not the most precise piece of engineering :astonished:
I used these panels as templates for the new panels I made and you can see from the video that they worked out OK.

Elan S2 door panels.pdf (515 KB)

Thanks Paul !

I know that this creates extra work…but quite a few of us are interested in the very thoughtful way you approach your project!