Elan Required for Photo Shoot

I have just been notified of this. If anyone fancies helping out, the details are below:

I’m looking for someone with an Elan to take part in one of the Ultimate Showdown features that we run in Classic & Sports Car (it’s Daimler XJC vs BMW 3.0 CSi in the current issue). In this case the Lotus will be compared with an Alfa Spider.

Our plan is to do the shoot on June 10th or 11th, at various locations in Herts, but meeting up at Baldock Services, as it’s easy for everyone to find. Do you know anyone who might want to come out and play? We do cover all fuel costs, keep people fed and watered, and send the owner a CD of the photos taken, with a copy of the mag of course.

Please let me know either way, and feel free to pass on my contact details as necessary.

Russ Smith
07703 018166
[email protected]

How about sending 2sheds along with the BDG Elan to show that Alfa a thing or two :laughing:

I might be up for this. I’ve emailed Russ asking for more details and sent him a couple of photos. They will probably want a standard car, which mine isn’t quite, but I guess it depends what other responses he gets.
If it happens I’ll try not to let the side down!


Way to go Kevin. :smiley:

Maybe this could be an annual sports car challange? The best of the Elans against the best of the rest?

OK, I don’t know too much about the Alfas, but I bet the Elan and it’s variants would stack up pretty well with the sporting cars of it’s day and current ones. At least thant’s my fantacy.

There are 26R’s, big bore Elans, those with BDA/R engines, and those with stock and uprated twin cam engines.

So what should the judgement criteria be? Performance, aethetics, reliability, exclusitivity?

Some cars have soul. My F-car has soul. Good sounds, makes me happy. The Elan does that too. A street fighter.
