Does anyone have a photo of the Elan prototype that was put together by Ron Hickman with the “temporary folded backbone” chassis and clothed in a Falcon fiberglass body.
I was describing the body on my Falcon Sprite to a friend the other day and mentioned that the Elan prototype had the same body, but there were several models of Ashley Laminates Falcon bodies. Which was it?
Hi Roger, can you describe it’s appearance? I’ve got a ton of old British magazines and books, I seem to recall the car you’re speaking of but… was the headlight configuration similar to an Elite? Was it boxy?
Was it put on the Elan chassis road tested without a body? Plywood floor if I remember right.
That’s just it, I don’t have any good photos of it. There was an Elan book out a few years ago that had a pic from inside, IIRC. My Falcon body has plexi covered headlamps. Perhaps as the proto Elan was just that, maybe the pop-up headlamps were developed into that body.