I had time on my hands and was browsing new higher resolution satellite photographs of Dublin on Google Earth and I found my Elan in two locations! The Elan is the yellow car in the centre of each photo. One of the pictures below is outside my house and the other is in the yard of the mechanic who does some work on the car. Both images are dated 20 September 2008, so I’m not sure how I was in two places at the same time! I guess that the major image is made up of a collection of smaller ones stitched together, and so they may have been photographed at different times. The image at my house (the lower one) was definitely made on the 20 September because my daughter had a birthday party and you can see the kids in the back garden.
You’d want to make sure you tax disc was up to date with that detail
You can see my red Elan +2 at 52 deg 17’ 32.13 N, 6 deg 56’ 41.31 W. It is a bit fuzzy The map is dated 2009, but I moved the car out of there about 4 years ago