HI all.
I start hoping that all of you are doing ok or at least are going through this pandemic with minor issues! I do hope this will slow down so we can enjoy our lives and our cars as we did before!
I want to send a big thank you to all in this forum not only the ones that care to answer my questions but all of you. This forum is a real Bible for someone who wants to know and learn more about Lotus Elan! Thank you all!!
After 9 years exaclty (January to January!) my Elan is back on the road.
This is what I wanted to share with all of you.
I do hope that the pictures are good enough for you to see and to send me your comments if you want so. I have more than 800 (eight hundred photos!) of the rebuild. If you want me to send anyone a speecific one maybe I have it here in the computer.
Thank you again
Take care and be safe!
Elan Coupe S/E Pre airflow , The best looking Elan, IMHO .
Looks to be a stunning car .
Absolutely beautiful job Francisco, a real credit to you, well done !
I had a pre-airflow Cirrus White Coupe some years ago too.
I agree super job and I also think the pre airflow coupe is the most attractive Elan
Richard Hawkins
Agreed, a superb looking car and well restored.
Francisco, what is the VIN? I have a pre airflow coupe, #5727 and if close to yours, I would be
interested in looking at other details. Thanks.
Vin is 36/6055 Body number 1620
Thank you for the words. It was a hard job to say the least. And I still have a lot to do.
Lovely job Francisco! Nice photos.
Francisco - well done - it looks superb. My second favourite Lotus! S3 SE - perfection but for the roof!!
Thank you all! Congratulations on yoyr Elans. It is a fantastic car! I do like the Elan in white! I decided to paint mine white because its 1st owner told me it was white when it arrived here in September 1966. He had it painted Almond Green as soon as it arrived!
This is inspiring. I have 5525 (body 1284) pre-airflow. I’m doing a sort of rolling refurbishment.
HI Joe. I am glad my Elan inspired your work! Thank you!
I like your Alfa Romeo also!!!
Wot’s the one beyond the Alfa?
VW Karman Guia convertible. Correct?
Yes. '63 Karmann Ghia. I found the VW and Alfa languishing in garages near my home. I hadn’t been in the market, but I couldn’t pass them up. I’ve particularly enjoyed the Alfa. It’s a '76 with big US bumpers, so not valuable. But a surprisingly fun car.
Great looking cars Joe. Hope to get to Montana again this fall.
Great job Francisco. Enjoy!
My dad bought a '76 in 1984, just in time time to use it to teach me how to drive with a clutch. He got the thing for a steal from his veterinarian, whose unpaved driveway was too much for it. I got to have some youthful fun with that car for a couple of years, especially the sunny summer day when I ‘stole’ it for a blast around the county while he was at the office. My punishment upon being caught was to help him change the points on it* but I always enjoyed helping him with car-stuff and would have done so anyway. And he said that he couldn’t blame me for my joyride; he figured that in my shoes he probably would have done the same.
*Dad also had a '74 Berlina that he’d bought in '79 and both Alfas burned-up their points rather quickly.
Fantastic!!! Thank you for sharing! I only hope my country will be as fantastic as it was very soon!
Greta photos!
Terrific workmanship Francisco! Very nice!
I too have a Pre AirFlow Coupe. Also in white. And only 5 minutes away from Greg. Mine is serial 5938.
Engine is done but it’s need of everything else. At least it has no rust in the chassis. But it sure doesn’t look like yours! Maybe someday. A continuing project that last ran in 1984.