Elan Anti-roll bar

Looking for an Elan anti roll bar, why?

I believe I have one if you are still interested.

Thanks for the reply, yes, still interested, whereabouts are you located and what sort of cost please?

I am located in Beaufort SC. Where are you located? Let me think about the price :thinking:

I see you are in the UK. Shipping might be expensive.

I have one in Devon UK. It has a bit of a permanent twist on it because it spent a long time on a car with tired springs on the drivers side but perhaps it would be possible rectify that - not sure how though !
Regards Vernon

I wouldn’t pay a fortune for one Phil. They very often come up on ebay and dont fetch a bid at 20 quid.


Vernon, thanks for your reply, if it’s still available I’ll take it please, and hope I can rectify it, maybe.

I have a friend who may be able to collect it, is there a collection address please?

My mobile:

Kind regards,

Hi Phil. I am in Teignmouth, let me have your mobile number and I’ll text you my address and mobile number so your pal can get in touch if he thinks he can collect for you. Regards Vernon.

Many thanks for the reply.
My mobile: 07526593612
[email protected]

Thanks for the reply.

I could still use another anti-roll bar if it’s still available, location? picture? Price? Please?

[email protected]


It is straight and includes the links. Has surface rust but otherwise sound. How about $30 US plus actual cost of shipping. Not sure what the shipping would be. I’d be shipping from Beaufort, South Carolina, USA. Let me know if you are interested. If no I’ll be putting it up on this site soon.

Dan, thanks for the offer, but to be honest postage would cost more than the item, so I’ll pass on that one thanks. I should have indicated I’m in the UK - sorry.
Kind regards,