Having seen many variations, does anyone know what an S2 26R chassis plate is supposed to look like? Dave posted an image of the plate on an S1 26R, 26R4 on Jun 04, 2012, was this plate used on S2 26Rs or was the later standard Elan S2 production plate used??
If you are trying to authenticate a 26R, by far the best place to contact is Tony Thompson Racing who maintain the register of 26Rs and apparently knows the history of most of them. There are a lot of GTS in drag masquerading as the real thing.
As the old joke goes, of the 97 26Rs originally built, 150 survive…
I own one of the last s2 26R’s with known history and provenance that Tony confirmed.
The S2 plate is different to S1 26r and is not same as the standard road going s2 plate.
thanks Andy and V (lucky person) just trying to settle a club ‘discussion’, some say all plates were Lotus Components, others Cheshunt S2 plate with bottom cut off etc etc so were wondering what S2 looked like to show to the ‘gurus’
thanks Mike, that seems to settle that unless anyone knows any better!
Here is another starter for 10, are these plates etched or printed onto aluminium and how thick is the plate???
I’ll attest to that being correct style.
An explanation for the intense interest in the details of the plate by the OP would be useful. Just slapping a replica 26R plate on a S2 with a few body mods does not immedialy make it a 26R ???
Neighbour of member interested in buying one but wants info because he is worried about replicas - understandable??- and I donit know that much about racing Elans unlike many on this forum - many heads…
As said, the ‘registrar’ is Eddie Thompson, [email protected]
He will have details of all known 26Rs
yes but unfortunately he cant take Eddie with him to check the veracity of a car!!!
Eddie will know the car and current owners and whether this car is probably genuine based on the body number it is claiming. For genuine 26R money I would also take the car to Eddie for him to check it out.
sound advice Rohan
If you can’t take the car to Eddie, incur the necessary expenses to bring Eddie to the car.
hmm not so sure that would be possible, any ideas on etch or print/anodised etc and plate thickness, I do know the early plates were 25swg?
fwiw I’ve seen a number of repro plates, some of them old enough to be “period”, and all of them showed rather easily distinguishable discrepancies with genuine ones (fonts, positionning, printing technology etc.) I don’t think anyone looking into it could really be fooled if that’s the purpose (if not it does not matter)…
Send email to TTR, Tony/Eddie hold register and can let you know if it’s got provenance. He will also let you know of genuine cars that may be available.
What exactly is your friend after? There’s a late S1 26R at Fantasy Junction I understand.
This is mine
Alan, that’s a 63 S1 the other picture is the 26R.