Elan 26R 60th Anniversary Race

Live Stream from Silverstone.

Elan 60 race.


About 2 hours 30 minutes in from the start


Elan 60th at Silverstone

I was surprised to see cold oil going in hot engine, Horatio.

Great meeting/race. Was it really the largest collection of 26R’s?

33 cars racing of which 28 were described as 26R.
That’s quite a percentage of the total build.
(I bet Tony Thompson has a profitable month).

Racing was good,the camera work was shocking. I’m looking forward to the in car video being uploaded.

Eddie phoned me to try to get me to enter but entry was £1000, and they don’t accept ‘M’ section tyres, so there was another £1200. I was at Silverstone a week ago and there again at the end of the month. There’s only so much good grace the wife will forward.

Do they run L section?

Many of the camera positions around the track were fixed, which I guess keeps down the cost of needing camera men to operate them. The few camera men they did have (particularly the guy in the pit lane) were pretty hopeless. Commentary wasn’t up to much either.

Cars looked great.

The long view camera angles made it hard to see the actual car dynamics in the corners unfdortunately which is what I like looking at. Also what happened to the car that cut in front and got hit in rear quarter. Any details of the damage ? The pictures of it being pulled off the track unfrotunately showed no details.

My main concern when racing my Elan is its egg shell crash protection so any details of any incident I like to see


Has a list of chassis numbers of the entries been posted? It would be interesting to see…

Equipe is ‘L’ section.
So is HSCC and Masters, I believe but I haven’t looked for a while.
CSCC is ‘L’ or ‘M’. Most sensible

I was also curious about the black car that left the track to its left and was then seen briefly behind the wrecked. Looked like there was rear quarter damage.

Rob Griffiths provided this photo via Lotus Elan Racing on FaceBook. Sadly, his reason for not being in the Group Photo.

The earlier portion of the Livr Stream with the cars posed for the Group Photo may have been better that the race coverage.

I suspect we will see more driver video on YouTube in the days ahead.

This event seems to have been fun. There is a YT video just posted by Alex Montgomery which gives some indications.

Re: Dunlop tyres - post by “661”. For the events organised by Peter Auto (now owned by ACO and ASO), the tyres imposed are 5.25" x 13" Dunlop M. Curiously, L section are not allowed!

I agree with you that organisers should think twice before playing games with tyres. This is done I presume to try to keep competitors coming back to their programme.

App K states that either Avons or Dunlops can be used for historic racing. This should not be tinkered with by either Masters, Equipe or Peter Auto. Thankfully other (more reasonably minded) organisers are not doing this.

Did anyone keep a list of the chassis numbers of the entries?