Elan +2 S135 Exhaust Wanted


I’m looking to buy a replacement exhaust for my 1974 +2S 135 and would welcome any comments / advice as follows

Where to Buy
Whether to stay standard or go bigger bore etc
Price expected to cost
Good/ Bad / Indifferent experiences


Peter Mallinson

[email protected]


You can do no better than Susan Miller (Mick Miller Classic Lotus 01728 603307)

My personal preference is keep it original. Non-standard systems may impact negatively on performance, pop and bang on the over-run or be so noisy it will really annoy you on a longer journey.

You do have the choice of stainless or mild steel and this has been debated many times. Most folk tend to go stainless these days although again some think MS sounds better.

Haven’t got +2 prices to hand but a quick call to Susan will solve that one :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot for that, would you believe i have JUST finished an email to Susan and she is sending me a full parts and price list so it will be on there !

I think Standard is the way I want to go but probably for SS for the logetivety aspect and also on previous cars I haveve fitted SS to they do sound crisper

Peter M