I need to replace my front shock absorbers as one has failed.
Any recommendations, please ?
For road use.
I need to replace my front shock absorbers as one has failed.
Any recommendations, please ?
For road use.
Hi Elan1558,
You need to look in the ‘Search’ box and pages and pages will come up on front shock replacement. There is no defintive answer…you pays your money and takes your choice. What one person likes the other person will suggest something else.
Keep it simple , keep it standard .
Colin said …
"Make the suspension adjustable and they will adjust it wrong – look what they can do to a Weber carburetor in just a few moments of stupidity with a screwdriver. "
… unless you know what you are doing…and 98% of us don’t…
I can’t see how you can keep it as original…Armstrong the original manufacturer don’t exist or make shock absorbers anymore. Unless of course you know of someone who will recondition and make a good job of the originals?
I was thinking more of the adjustable dampening / adjustable rebound / adjustable platform types…
Ah…yes of course you can get various makes of fixed platform but the problem also occurs regardless of if you go adjustables or not you also end up buying new springs because the originals are not compatible.
I went through all this last year and ended up with Spax adjustables and I had specially made bespoke springs because the Paul Matty supplied springs made the car look as if it was on steroids.
All a bit of a minefield but got sorted eventually