Anyone got a template for it ,73 model
got one off the car you can use if your near enough!
I am in Croydon surrey
I have to do a pair sometime soon, the damp has got them. What are you using to make the new cards from ?
I used thin ply available from Wickes in just the right size. I think it?s about ?10 per sheet. I used the old hardboard ones as a template then jigsaw to shape. Then using a wet cloth and some bricks bend to shape. Best to leave several days and rewet the cloth daily. Don?t rush this bit as the ply will split. See pics.
Hardboard or thin marine ply,good hint on getting bend right with bricks for weight, if I can get template made out of several sheets of a4 paper taped together that would be good, I noticed your photo did not have ashtray cut out ,was that an earlier +2 out of curiosity,thanks for all replies,I am to far away from Croydon but thanks for offer,SE my plan for template and I good make good postage and costs etc,thanks for all replies,must get car finished this year
Ref ashtray and door lock hole. My first attempt split though the ash tray hole due to forcing the bend before it was wet enough, so left it out for second attempt. Probably best to cut all holes after bending.