Elan +2 convertable

does anyone know if the Elan +2 was originally manufactured as a soft top ???

Any Plus 2 you see that is a convertible has been modified.
A couple of Lotus specialists did do some conversions.


As Clive states, no original +2 convertibles.

But…don’t they look STUNNING in convertible form :smiley:


i have seen one for sale but a little woeeied about its value however it is a little stunner!!! dontknow what to do
what would your feelings be on a conversion

what would your feelings be on a converted elan good or bad???

The car will have the hood up most of the time.
— How good does it look with the hood up :cry:
— Does the after market conversion leak? :unamused:
— Is it easy to erect? :blush: :blush: :blush:
If you are happy with your answers, then go ahead. It’s your decision for your car - B*gger what others feel :exclamation:

I think they should have been made in convertible format as remarked above they do look smart.


I think they look beautiful and the conversions carried out professionally either by Christopher Neil or the Classic Transport Company are very good, the later having a slightly better name. However there are a number carried out using a kit from Christopher Neil on a DIY basis. Some look good, some look bad and if you search on the forum there is a number of posts regarding scuttle shake - whatever that is?
The value seems to be all over the place, but the current “expensive” ones for sale have been for sale for a long time.
I was very very tempted in late summer to but one (even my wife wanted it) but I went for a standard +2 in the end as I was concerned about stresses on the bodywork and the water tightness and also I found a very original standard car which I fell in love with. (My wife didn’t!)
I would test drive at speed and check for any vibrations. I would also check for stress cracks above the front wheel arches and around the base of the windscreen.
Go with you heart!
Best Regards

thank you all for your replies…
i have also seen a standard +2 so i think i will look at both
however it is a xmas present for my hubby… yes im girl!!! and proud owner of a 2006 111R Hubby also proud owner of first ever lotus to be sold in rep of ireland but he soon to be hopefully a very proud owner of an Elan of some sort… I WANT A EVORA!!! :unamused: :laughing: :open_mouth:

You sound like the perfect woman. Anymore like you at home?

Ditto :slight_smile:

Ooops…already have a perferct woman at home :smiley:

But your ‘Hubby’ is a lucky man!


Did I somehow navigate to elisetalk without realizing it?

Just as a matter of interest, what was the first Lotus sold in the republic of Ireland & when was it ?? Does the hubby still have it??

'71 Sprint

John Larkin may know.


I know we have seen plenty of 60’s Loti…but what is teh oldest original Irish Sold one?



If you are still looking at convertible +2’s, be careful. Ask if the sill members have been changed recently. If they have not, be on your guard. The sill members add stiffness to the body that is vital under normal circumstances but more so if the roof is cut off. If they are corroded to such an extent that they will not provide an adequate jacking point at each end, then the body will flex when stressed. Some badly executed +2 convertibles have been known to open the doors when going round corners!!

Best Regards

Either that, or the +2 forum. :smiling_imp: