Early windscreen rubber

Is it possible to obtain a replacement for the windscreed rubber on my 1970 plus 2? This is the hard to get one with the stainless cover trim.

Alternatively any tips for repairing it (usual cracks etc).



The windshield is from a Ford Capri? tilted back a bit. My original '69 has FoMoCo etched in the top center so I’d think a replacement seal should be available.
I’ve filled the cracks in the rubber on mine with black silicone adhesive/caulking. Mine needs replacing but I’m fearful the original windshield (in good shape) would crack during removal/installation.

Worth giving Paul Matty’s a ring. These rubbers were almost unobtainable, then about 12 months ago some ‘new’ ones appeared on ebay and I think I remember Paul Matty’s having some too. I bought one of this batch, but haven’t fitted it yet. It looks correct though.

Not the ‘Capri’ mentioned earlier is a Consul Capri, not the later fastback Capri.

The very early +2 rubbers were simple affairs with a chrome infill strip. This is readily available from Chris Neils, Matty’s and also from trim suppliers such as woolies. This trim and rubber can be used in place of the Stainless trim.


Thanks for your comments chaps.

I will give Matty’s a ring on Monday - I would like to preserve the stainless trim if possible as it does in my view add something to the looks of the car.
