Originally, these grills were basically oblong, with rounded corners but with slightly curved sides and ends.
Larger speakers can be hidden beneath them but I would like to preserve the look of the grilles
as seen through the rear screen.
I would be delighted if a kind person would do a tracing or an outline of an original grill together with an idea of the profile so I can make a couple which will look authentic!
Thanks so much for any assistance.
Bill Griffiths.
Hi Bill.
These are photos of my refurbished my 1968 +2 rear parcel shelf.
If you confirm these are the items you require measurements, I will measure and confirm.
I have these currently off my car… so have hopefully got the measurements you are after. I don’t have a profile guage to get the exact shape. The inner edge is near , but not quite vertical and shorter than the outer edge to allow for the grille. Hopefully the pictures make sense.
Measurements shown are for the pair. Bolts are 36mm long ( includes surround thickness), shank is 11.2mm, thread 3.5mm dia… need to check thread.
And the grilles which may be OE. I resprayed black (satin Matt) and the surround with crackle finish . The original finish seemed to be not quite crackle but not a good coat of flat black either… (car was 18yr old when I took these off)
I’ve yet to buy any speakers, so interested in what others have found to work.