Early Indicator Stalk

Did a search, but could not find the answer.

Needing to replace the indicator stalk/combo switch unit from my 68 +2. Single stalk (as opposed to the 2 stalk set up of the later) - non locking column version.

Am I correct to assume its a Triumph Herald/Spitfire unit? … or something different. Lucas part no?



It’s a Cortina Mk 2 stalk…combined indicator, headlamp flash and horn, with little chrome button on end of horn push bit?

They come up on eBay quite often, but you’ll be lucky to find a new one.


I agree, they are Cortina Mk2, I just bought one on ebay for ?7



If it’s any help I have a 68 +2 which is a Spyder conversion, but the interior is I think original. I replaced my stalk when it failed through ‘Moss’. They do have a web-site (google will find it) and the part number for the stalk is 13H7779, cost ?31.83 + VAT. Their phone number is 01274 539999, fax 01274 539990.
Hope this helps,


Go to Moss Europe, look for ‘Classic Mini’ switches. You will see the switch under item 1. Unfortunately the cost has gone up.

Not allowed to post the web-link 'cos I could be a spammer. Humbug.


Hi Andrew,
my +2 has the single stalk, looking around when i was looking at replacing mine I found the most similar one is for a MGB.
If you do a search on Ebay and you will find “Brendans” garage tools and MGB spares (they are in Adelaide), he sells reproduction ones for arounnd $90.00
Living in Adelaide I can help you out if required.

Cheers Darren