Early Elan +2 Wiring diagram

Hi Guys, I am rebuilding a very early +2, has anybody got a legible wiring diagram, the ones in the Lotus manuals don’t show the early cars and are such poor copies it is impossible to see the wire colours. Bob

hopefully this will be an attachment along with the pictures [not entirely sure how to attach).
I can’t recall if I got these from the workshop manual or (more likely) the autocars manual.

I sent this to Staples (UK) and had them print it to poster size for less than a fiver… Well worth it.
I then set about the diagram with coloured pens.

hopefully this is the variant you require- there’s a few - I can probably add a few more to this thread if required


wiring diagram plus2 RB340 neg_earth v2.pdf (636 KB)

Thanks Adrian, at least I can read this one, my car is very early, it was positive earth. I have three bits of wiring harness that came with the car, none of which had been a complete harness, however the dashboard harness is in good condition and unmolested! With this I can at least make some sense. If you do have a positive earth diagram for the very early +2 that would be helpful as well. regards Bob

plus 2 positive earth Wiring With BG.pdf (376 KB)
here you go.
one with background, one without .
happy soldering & wrapping !
plus 2 positive earth Wiring without BG.pdf (144 KB)

Thanks guys.

Better get the soldering iron out!
