Early +2 console

There was a discussion some time ago regarding reproducing the early +2 consoles. The original console is one piece and made of plastic.

Someone on the list was going to make reproductions of either plastic or carbon fiber.

Has this project stalled or is it moving ahead? I would be interested in buying one.

1969 Elan +2
1968 TVR Vixen S2

I’m looking for one too.

Looking for one here in the US also!!

I have sent a PM to the individual who expressed interest in reproducing this part. As it has been a while since the last discussion I assume the project has been abandoned.

A fellow member in the U.S. has made a copy of plywood covered in leather. While it is not a direct copy of the original it does look presentable. I am considering reproducing his design and covering it in vinyl. If it were painted and polished it would make a good plug to make a mold from. A fiberglass copy may be better.

I hope we can stimulate some interest to get the original copied but failing that I will go ahead with the plywood substitute. The major obstacle being do not have wood working power tools.

1969 Elan +2
1968 TVR Vixen

It’s not too hard to manufacture one out of fibreglass.
I managed to make a mould from foam core within a couple of hours using the dimensions of the original and then glassed one up the following day.
After it went off, I trimmed the edges with some cutters and sent it to the trimmer.

I would be interested in helping with this project, I have a friend that is very good with lotus rebuilds and could be arm twisted to make up a few if we could get enough interest (up front money) to cover cost.

I will see if I can get a ballpark on what the cost would be and post an update.

The fiberglass copy looks great. I will attempt to make a mould as Muir has. The early console extended further to the rear than the one shown.


it had the triangular oddments tray ‘all in’…the later versions had the 2 piece system :slight_smile:

I am a new owner. Have owned a europa and a seven replica. Now have a +2. :smiley: The car I have is all in bits, but most of thoes bits are new. sadly the dash although brand new, was made wrong and all the dial holes were 2inch, all gauges fell thru so i have too shim all holes. I have been thinking of making a batch of new dashboards but there is a company, who were at Beaulie, already making them, but for ?154+vat. probally make my own and if there is enough demand, some more. They will be of ply, venered and two pack lacquered. any takers before I name a price.?
also, who was the guy who wanted the dimensions of the long sills, as i have mine out and could supply dimensions, possibly manufacture a few sets?