dumb current owner needs help

I chose to get a rebuilt generator and sent my old one back to get the core deposit and of course I also sent the pully wheel with the generator.

The vendor cannot find the wheel so I need to replace. Can anyone give me a part number or specs for the pully that attaches to the generator/dynamo?

I have a pully from my generator that I replaced with an alternator. That is, I’m pretty sure it came from the generator. Dumb me, I can’t find the generator to make sure. Anyhow, you are welcome to have it. It’s not worth anything to me.
If interested, contact me at “[email protected]

Dave Barnes 72 Sprint DHC

I always use the larger pulley as it makes the alternator last longer but you have to live with the red light at idle —NUMBER 12A 1771 CR/A E 74 --the one used on the generator --ed