Dual brake system plus 2


I have in my plus 2 the federal brake system (my car is lhd and swiss market)
My system has dual brake m?ster cylinder and 2 servos.
Now I don?t have enough space for the 2 servos. So I considering to convert the car to a single brake system.
Wich parts should I need?



A single 3.0:1 servo , don’t know what you have on yours at the moment , and a load of brake pipe…

John :wink:

Dual Circuit brakes is a safety feature and not one I’d be looking at removing. (Actually one I want to add.)

Potential other options:

  1. Smaller dual circuit booster - carbuilder.com/uk/compact-d … rake-servo
  2. Mount one booster in the nose (as suggested by rdssi)
  3. Go to none assisted. A Spitfire small diameter dual master should fit a LHD +2

Note sure what the Swiss would make of you going to single circuit, my assumption is they quite strict and it may cause you issues.

…but I don’t think the Spanish authorities give a damn ?

John :wink:

Good point :laughing:

Thanks for the answers.
In Spain and rest of Europe the original setup was single system.
I was also thinking in putting a servo in the front, but can this affect the air flow to the radiator?
If I convert it to single system should I need only the servo and a new master cylinder?


You probably won’t need a new master cylinder…just a remote servo ( 3.0:1 ) placed wherever you want…

John :wink: