Hi ,
I am in trouble with my front left hub … Back from le Mans Classic had a broken bearing … and lost the five drive pegs ejected by the caliper when the wheel goes free because of heat on spinner …
I (hardly!)manage to remove the complete assembly , and have the stud and bearings (welded together ) changed … but I am still looking for a set of “headed” drive pegs (1srt generation).
I have 3 questions :
_The two different drive peg models can be exchanged ?
_where can I can found a set of the correct ones ?
_In the archives (yes , I do research before asking!) I found this post ;
… and one of you get them welded on the hub … After my experience , I really think about doing something like that , but is it that good !?!
Hi Christian,
Some quick answers:
You should use the correct peg for the hub, as the hubs are machined to suit a particular type of peg. The early hubs have a recess in the back to take the head of the peg and so have less metal to retain a later parallel peg.
Paul Matty shows both peg types in his catalogue - part number A036G0011Z for the early stepped ones and A050G0011Z for the parallel ones
The pegs are not usually a problem unless a wheel is loose or has been fitted incorrectly. You could just assemble with Loctite 601 Retainer, which should give a pretty permanent joint.
… Hi Nick ,
Thank you for your response , check the ref in Paul Matty online catalogue , but couldn’t found it …
I will phone them tomorrow for avaibility .
I hope only I will not have to machine them … !