Drive out to classic car show nets an award.

Just thought I would show off a bit as I was quite chuffed this weekend. :smiley:

Took the car out for its first run out (excluding trip to MOT) after being laid up for a couple of years while I rebuilt the drive train. Overhauled prop shaft bearings and fitted Miller CV drive shafts.

There was a local Classic car show at Lytham Hall (North West England) and I decided to go along. They were running an informal concourse type competition and for a laugh I entered. I didn’t think for one minute I would get anywhere but they were after volunteers to enter so I gave it a go. Came runner up in class out of about 25 others. I was well impressed. I have never been to one of these events before, I am normally into driving it (when not laid up) and racing (different car). It was a good day out and didn’t rain (surprisingly for Lancashire).

Here are some photos from the day:


Congratulations, It’s nice to see a really smart S3 Elan for a change. Lots of common old S4’s like mine around :wink:

If I can be so bold … If your lovely car was mine I’d paint the sill bottom edges satin black, I think it’s original and it makes the edge disappear as you look at the side of the car.

That said, It’s a gorgeous car and none of my business

Nice one Keith,

Club Lotus will be at Tatton Park Cheshire on on the 16/17 Aug. Look it up on the Tatton Web site as you cannot enter on the day. You have probably missed the deadline but remember for next year.


Nice one!

My uncle did a similar thing at Newark kit car show. Parked in the carpark near the group of cars he’d come to see (some 7 type kit) and when he got back to the car he’d got a highly commended rosette. He’d not even entered.
