Drain the Rear Hubs?

I’ve got the bits back and will shortly begin to build up the struts.

The drive shafts, whilst straight, have corrosion between the bearing surfaces. I’ve noticed similar on others. This would suggest that moisture / condensation gets in the hub void.

Would it be a good idea to drill a small drain hole at the bottom and fit in a split pin “jiggler” whilst it is all apart? Or a waste of time?

Can the void be packed with grease?

Depends how deep the fords are round your area.

Grease pack ?..not exactly “adding lightness” , maybe a quick spray all a round with your favourite lubricant…old engine oil is my favourite… plenty on the garage floor… :slight_smile:

John :wink:

I doubt that would work. It would be impossible to fill it entirely and even then the spinning of the shaft would create a void around the shaft and bearings. Probably make it worse!

Could fill it with foam as a bouyancy aid? What with raising sea levels it could be an option.

Helium filled foam , Colin would be proud of you…

John :laughing:

Small hole in the end cap with a blanking grommet - remove and spray inside with anti rust (e.g. ACF50 or similar) or spray can grease when paranoia strikes? :unamused:

Wheel bearing grease on the bare steel bits during assembly. Any type of thin oil/spray lube risks contaminating the bearing grease in the (marginal) bearings and seals…

I would remove the rust, maybe treat the shaft with Fertan and then, after bearings in place, cover free areas with quite solid non creeping grease. I use Klever Gun Vaseline, a bit more solid like ordinary Vaseline. In tests it showed very good long time water repellant properties. It does’nt wash off easily. And it would not creep into the bearings. It could also close the gaps between hub, shaft and key after fitting the hub.

Thanks for that. Fertan is a new product to me.

I was thinking along the line of spraying WaxOil (or equivalent) into the cavity. I note that the steel tube
(inside the hub) could also do with protection.

Perhaps a rivnut into the end cap, spray the void with waxoil etc, then close off with a suitable setscrew. Cover with underseal.

I might give it a try!

Just paint it!

+1 for paint it. Upol Acid etch 8 in a rattle can from Halfords. Very tough and long-lasting finish.