Dot 5 (silicone) Brake Fluid

Hi Loti cognisenti what are your opinions on silicone fluid and its use in a drained system that has had glycol fluid in it.

Mark Evans

all my cars are running on silicon

Cooper s, Plus 2, Europa.

All were drained of old fluid, flushed with methylated spirits and bled on silicon.

5 years later no problems on brakes or clutches except for slightly heavier pedal.

No more corrosion or brake rebuilds!!


:huh: I am just now finishing rebuilding the brakes and clutch hydraulics on my own plus 2 in order to change over to silicone fluid.
I am doing this having been informed by more than one person not to replace the glycol fluid with silicone without replacing the rubber seals.
Was this a complete waste of time?.
Well no not really. I had always thought that the brakes were pretty good for a 30+ year old car, (far better than the MG’s that i had been used to) but on stripping down the rears i found that they were completely seized.
Only now can i start to begin to imagine how fantastic the driving experience is going to be.
