Door seals


Has anyone pulled the doors apart on a +2 recently? I am in the process of putting mine back together and cannot remember how the seals are held in place.

I seem to remember clips which hold the chrome (stainless) strip, held in
place by screws which locate through the flange at the top of the door into the bar running between the two uprights? Onto this bar the inner seal is clipped and the outer seal is clamped between this bar and the flange?

However, I also remember U clips located onto the door flange as well, but I cannot see what use they would be and would only make it more difficult to clamp the outer seal? Also, when I screw the assembly together the outerseal is still several mm clear of the glass. I have cut the seal around the quarterlight upright.

One last question; should the outer seal extend beyond the two outer uprights, or should it be cut just inside them.

Thanks in advance for any help. There is a “howto” about this subject on this site, but it is rather unclear about these points.



Hi, when you say I remember, do you have those parts in hand? Can you post a picture of what items you have? I think the u-clips fit over the fiberglass edge, I’m not clear about the seal descriptions. It doesn’t touch the glass on the outside?


Perhaps I should have called this topic door/window seals to avoid any confusion with the door/body seal.

In answer to the question above, the original clips disintegrated but they looked like smaller versions of the one?s which hold the waist strip in place. Matty?s sell a circular alternative which I have fitted. I guess my questions are:

What use are the uclips which locate on the door flange, as the screws pass through these anyway into the window frame

I guess the outer seal should rub on the glass but on my car is a few mm clear. Has anyone else got a watertight seal here?

Thanks in advance for any help.


Hello again.

Has anyone some closeup photos of the windows lurking on their computer they could email me please.



David, if its the weather seal that runs along the top of the door at the base of the window then it is fitted to the chrome window frame assembly by the spiteful U shaped clips, on my car the screws that hold the trim clips (or buttons ) for the exterior chrome trim screw into the same strip of metal. I have only dismantled mine to date as I got a fitted up replacement shell with the trims and weather strips in place. The parts list pictures aren’t particularly clear on this subject.

It would seem to me that the best way to fit the weather strip would be to lift the chrome frame surround about an inch out of the door, fit the weather strip and drop the frame back down, then fit the buttons.The U clips are then sandwiched between the window frame and the door skin on the outer side.

I do however stand to be corrected by the poor souls who have lost skin and knuckles in actually doing this task!!




Thank for your reply. What you refer as the ?weather seal?, I called the ?inner seal? and yes, I guess it is held in place with u clips, (although on my car there were the remains of a few clips but no seal either side!)

The seal I am curious about is the outer one, which runs along the top of the door and is visible from the outside partly covered by the chrome strip. I guess the screws which hold the trim clips (or buttons) pass though the flange on top of the door, through the ?leg? of the seal and into the window frame ?strip of metal? The seal is thus sandwiched by the flange and the metal strip. However, do you remember u clips also on the top of the door flange which the screws pass though?



I was trying to describe the seal that is at the top of the door shell, but at the bottom of the door glass, is this the one? in the trade its often refered to as the “poseur” seal/moulding as its where you rest your elbow when posing!!


Yes, that is the one, on the outside of the door, cut out around the quarterlight upright of the window frame.



having re read the posts, it would seem from your description that the weather seal(its correct term I believe!) has been fitted to the door skin/shell fibreglass. It should be fitted to the metal horizontal strip that is part of the window frame/surround… Good luck, its a bit fiddly if I recall!!! perseverance is a virtue we all develop in time :smiley:


Sorry to resurrect this thread.

But I’m the process of doing exactly this. I haven’t touched the passenger door, so can use it as a reference of how things should go together. I also have the necessary clips. (two types)

So, on the driver’s door, I understand I am effectively clamping the rubber weatherstrip between the fibreglass of the upper lip of the door, and the inner metal frame. The screws first pass through an outer clip, (to hold the chrome finisher on the door waist) then through the fibreglass door lip. Then through the rubber weather seal, and finally through the inner horizontal metal strip that’s attached to the metal window frame at both ends.

I have two problems.

I used U clips, (from a well known supplier) to mount the rubber on the inner metal frame. But this seems to make the rubber weather seal sit a little high? I guess incorrect dimensions, probably on the rubber? So perhaps I trim the rubber, or leave out the clips? How essential are they?

Biggest problem however, is aligning the holes in the fibreglass with the holes in the metal frame! Despite the fact that the door hasn’t actually been taken apart, the holes seem to have ‘drifted’! Only probably 3mm or so, but enough to make it seemingly impossible to line them up, in a way that doesn’t damage the fragile fibreglass lip.

So… Any top tips to align the fibreglass door skin with the inner metal frame, without damaging the doorskin?

How did you do it???

Very many thanks
