Door Seals

Having problems with the final fit of the doors on my +2s ,doors are fine untill i fit the door seals (d shaped purchased from p mattys ) i just wondered if anybody had used the c type seal which is available fromm woollies and if so did this solve the problem of shuting the doors .
regards ian.

Hello Ian,

I’m not sure of the models I used to buy a few years ago but on my S3 I had seals from P. Matty and they were definetely too thick. I bought a model from Woolies and they are better (even though I still can’t have the door flush with the rest of the bodywork but this is a “normal” problem with the S3, I believe)


Similar troubles having fitted my doors to recently painted car–“original” type terrible but then had purchased a while ago so thought maybe it had hardened. Tried locally available bulbous seal (Autozone, for GM cars) that has exact shape as original and very soft-still too much resistance. Still looking, let me know if what you try works. Gordon Sauer