Hi All,
A fount of knowledge on here as always so i have another question to ask; I’ve got some replacement door seals from MacGregor in Canada that are the same shape as the originals (can only describe it as a ‘v’ shape with a semi circle attached in cross section). Can anyone let me know which side faces outwards? And any photos of exactly where the door seals fit round the door (i.e. starting from the top of the door above the latch or staring below the latch?)
They run around the inner side of the doors moulding seam. Leaning at the seam, one flat against door face, the other against the seam “upright”, leaving the round section to seat against the cars body opening. They start at the doors rear inner top, run a bit outwards following the doors seam line around the lock plate, down, up at the front and a bit backwards to follow the door / body back shape to the windscreen / a-post. So they run between door seam and door “plastic trim panel” to the brass / steel window upright. It looks quite like on the part list / workshop manual.
…sorry, after comming up at the front, they run backwards about
one inch to outside/ above the plastic trim, straight towards the brass / chrome a-post. When shut, it should follow the indicated “lean on” line of the body door opening. At the a-post is of course the bolt on lip of the door plastic trim. I have to do a picture… 