Door panel clips and cups

Where can I get +2 door panel clips and cups (“Snapsacks”) here in the u.S.?




Modern cars use round plastic clips with the exception of Chrysler/Plymouth/Dodge minivans which use metal “T” clips. Rather than flat steel, they are made of wire. Cheap from the junk yard, much more durable, and they work great.

being a caffeine head, i’ve been toying with the idea of getting a cup holder in an elan (sorry, i know that sounds TERRIBLE - but i need my fix)

any one got any suggestions (or even ADMIT to doing such a thing…?)

The new Europa uses a velcro strap!

R D Enterprises

If I was going to add one, I’d go to the junk yard and yank one out of a 10-15 year old Saab. They’re the coolest.