I have had a search but no results.
Can anyone tell me what vehicle the puddle and warning lights in the +2 door came from. I cant see that they were specially made for Lotus.
I have just found out that +2 courtesy lights (interior) were from a volkwagen. Don’t know which model but should not be too difficult to track down if you need to.
Sorry I do not know but there are a few on ebay at the moment that look new.
check items:
Item number: 4611540552
Item number: 4611512314
Item number: 4611532404
Item number: 4611534682
And in case you were wondering, I do not work for ebay but am addicted
From one addict to another. I had seen the ones on ebay but, being a tight Yorkshireman, I thought I could find an alternative at a lot less money.
I know where you are coming from; I have looked through the cross reference parts list myself.
Has anyone found a really comprehensive list???
I have the ‘Authentic Lotus’ book which has the list in the back but it is not really that comprehensive. Considering most of the parts look to me to be very similar to the BL, Ford, Triumph and Jag cars of the era you would have thought that the majority of the parts would be interchangeable and the list would be huge?
I have found buying Mini parts online so much easier than the +2 parts, it seems that with the +2 less parts are available to buy new and the retailers are at the moment stuck using the telephone to take orders. Don’t get me wrong, I have been pleasantly surprised by the amount of parts that the likes of Sue Miller and Paul Matty can supply for what is a 30+ year old car, but sometimes it would be so much easier to be able see the thingy-ma-bob you need before purchasing.
It seems that someone must have put together a better list? Maybe Club Lotus? So +2 owners can take advantage of the excellent online shopping available to mini/ MG owners, or perhaps the current +2 parts retailers can PLEASE update their sites to allow online shopping
Slim to no chance! The Yahoo mailing list (893 members) and here (??? members) probably has more active owners contributing that Club Lotus ever had. If we can’t do it here no one can.
The Mini parts situation for the very early cars is actually better now than it was 25+ years ago. Back then keeping a 1962 850 on the road was never difficult on the mechanical side, the trim was a different matter entirely. You could probably build an exact 1959 Mini lookalike from spares today if your pockets were deep enough.
Jason /M100,
Perhaps it’s the cnyical side of me coming out here but if the Lotus dealers were to put an illustration of parts online, more people would be in a position to identify all the “Lotus” parts for what they are, taken from parts bins of any available car manufacturer.
Perhaps there is a nice business for someone who is prepared to take the time to identify all the “robbed” parts.
Local to me is a Classic car scrapyard and on one of my scavenging trips I had a natter with him, He told me he had a list from two Lotus specialists of all the parts from other cars which were common with Lotus and they bought all he could supply. The bu**er would not let me have a copy.
At the end of the day all the lotus only parts are Quite well engineered and reliable, Its all the other stuff we are looking for.
As I have more classics than I can afford, including a Hillclimb Mini, Thank God for Ebay, I can upgrade parts by buying and selling and keep them all in good, improving condition.
At the end of the day they are for using and enjoying, not to get paranoid about and throwing cash at.
Dave-M ( Cheapskate?)
If you do find out let me know 'cos I’ve got the same problem!
Hi there,
I could be writing rubbish BUT I think the Plus Two puddle / glovebox light was from BL. It was used as the boot light on the MkIV Spitfire and is available new.
Does anyone know where the +2 bonnet catches came from and if they can be had new?
Best of luck,
Si, Ill check it out this afternoon, I have a local Triumph specialist. Let you know this evening. If it is correct I have a local Triumph Breaker as well so its all might turn out good
Just got back. Found the white puddle / engine bay lamps, They are from a Triumph TR7 and come with a nice chrome bezel.
He had three kicking about and sold them to me for ?3. that’s cheaper than ebay.
He didn’t know about the red ones He specialises in Spitfire and GT6 and they dont have them fitted.
Wonder if the Triumph Stag had them?
Hi Dave I’ve tried to reply to you but the stupid mail on elannet keeps sending it to myself. 5 times! Doh!
drop me a line to my normal email and I’ll reply from there thanks.
[email protected]
Hi Dave
I just found this old post and thought you might be interested
It’s from Gareth Flanagan&Quo, thank you if you are still there
Hope this is of interest
Thanks Jason,
Perhaps we could use this thread to add to the list.
I believe our ashtrays were used on the VP 4ltr R although I accept this is a thoroughly worthless tit-bit.
I actually offered to do an ‘Alternate Parts Book’ (see URL: lotuselan.net/forums/viewtopic.php?t=2296) but other members didn’t seem to keen on my offer or the need for ‘another one’ !!
Yes, I have read your post and I disagree with the others. I think there is a real need for a new list. These parts are only going to get harded to get, the more sources we can find for parts the longer we can keep them on the road
The list in Paul’s book would be a good start but I find that as a lot of the parts are shared on Elan and +2 it gets confusing as to which is for which. Also that there is not enough detail, for example; rear lights are from S2&3 E-type Jag, which Paul says, but I believe from looking at a friends classic Alfa that Alfa also used these lamps. A point to make on both vehicles is that although the lamp is the same the lense is different for the +2.
I for one would be happy to pay say ?10 for a good list (maybe more) that will save me a lot more in the future. To compile the list would take a lot of time so you would expect to be rewarded. The easiest way to sell it would be through Ebay.
If you are up for the task let me know how it goes and put me down for one.
Hello Jason,
I agree it would be a very useful item.
I heard the rear lights from the prototype did come from the Alfa Giulia 105 but because Lotus used them on the Europa, Elan and +2 they were able to get Lucas to make them with a reversing lens. The Series 2 and 3 E-Type rear lights have remote reversing lenses so we can assume there is no reversing light in those units. I could be wrong.
Best wishes,
yep still here…
I think jeff was trying to confirm most of these ‘facts’ and then post it in the ‘info’ section…
hope it was of use!!!
I’d also be more than happy to pay for one!
Also, refererring to a comment further up;
Lotuselan.net IS the new Club Lotus for a generation now used to the internet, rather than an outdated club magazine in the post with ads for cars already sold, and a pitiful website. If they don’t improve things rather than resting on their laurels of being the oldest Lotus club it’s history.
If they don’t improve I’d much rather spend my time on this website and hard earned cash on car magazines such as C&Sportscar and Octane.
Why not update LotusElan.net to an actual Elan Club, or am I then arguing against my own points?
Rant finished…
So Thor, changing the subject I have just emailed Club Lotus for an application form, is it not worth the joining fee???
I must say I was disapointed by the website and lack of online application facilities
What is the magazine like? I was joining just for that really.
Thanks for your support !!
I have been a Classic car nut for as long as I car to remember and probably longer than I should (according to the wife). I did this for the Reliant Scimitars and is was great help.
I’m really NOT after financial reward just HELP in the form of any information especially when it comes to manufacturers of various parts and the OM part numbers.
I work overseas for a month at a time so on a night when I have finished I get our the laptop and do my ?own thing? which at the present includes this quest !
I have set up spread sheets in Excel and broken the cars down into areas such as brakes, electrics, interior, body fittings etc and then the intent would be to enter the car it is fitted to, description of the part, the manufacturers part number, alternative part number(s) Lotus parts supplier numbers (Paul Matty, Christopher Neil etc etc) with hyperlinks to their sites, other cars it was fitted to, Suppliers for those car parts and their respective clubs (with Hyperlinks) !
I know it may sound very high tech but once done I think it would be of great use and I?ll probably burn it to CD and then distribute at minimal cost (If I can find a way to STOP people ripping it off and selling it on as that is not a TRUE classic car man as far as I?m concerned
I have a copy of Paul?s book and there is some really good information in it which I intend to cross check against other info I have already gathered so hopefully the listing would be pretty reliable.
I am on the trail of lots of companies to try to glean information from them to assist in this and have positive response from SOME like AP Lockheed who sent me a disc with their back catalogues on (the ones your local motor factors use) and Bosal have done the same for exhausts etc. However other companies like Girling, Lucas, Unipart, AC Delco & Mintex etc etc has to date been unresponsive !
Do ANY of you out there have contacts in these or other companies I could use ? or supply me with any contact details you may have (as they may be different to ones I have found on the web ?)
My email address is at the bottom of this posting as always, so any information in the form of lists, contacts, part numbers, manufacturers or other info you have can always be sent to there. If you only have a hard copy then should be willing to take a copy you could post it to the address on the web site (also shown at the bottom of this listing) please mark the envelope Lotus Alternate Parts or something similar so my wife and I can identify them easily.
Thanks again
You may be better starting a new post with a title like +2 parts, so people will read and add to the list I think the door lights subject has run it’s course.