Dodgy Elan +2s Spares

Hi Lotus Lovers,

My much neglected, but much loved Elan +2s 130 1972 in flaking red paint has been dragged off my drive by some b******s and will probably appear for sale as bits.

Sadly I don’t think anyone will want the original body (plus original cracks/crazing) or chassis (again original, not one I would now trust to take me round a corner fast or over a serious bump)

It was off the road, awaiting a long overdue overhaul.

The most likely bit to be offered is the engine/gearbox, a complete Ford twin overhead 1558 version with twin Dellorto carbs, 4 speed box, although myriad smaller bits could be on offer.

This came from the Surrey area and is probably where anyone would try to sell it from.

Any help on other places to post notices for help would be appreciated.

Do the various specilaist suppliers like Spyder want some verification of ownership of the Elan before they supply major parts?


if you tell us the engine number and chasis number, the honourable persons here present will inform you if and when we spot it…its even more dodgey if there is a twink with the serial number ground off…what was the reg of the car too???just incase they try to flog the body aswell…even better still what was teh body number??? and where was it written???

Dear G,

As hoped and expected, there is still honour in the world, above all not surprisingly in the Elanworld.

Nice to hear from one of the more honourable members.

I can fill in most of the info, but if there is a body number I never saw it in my 25 years of modifying the paintwork. These numbers are from the logbook, but as I bought it relatively early in it’s life (5-6 years) I hope they are accurate.

Some other personal details

The body also has a sunroof (apologies to purists) - with St Gobain glass removable windows pane

Roof was covered in beige vynyl

The original colour was a pale/mid metallic blue - visible under boot lid for example. It was red when I got it, a uniform lighter red, but at some point prior to that it had been painted in psuedo JPS colours with a gold flecked roof and cills

In retrospect the carburettors may have been Weber, not Dellorto.

Wheels were steel ROSTYLE with knock on three winged fixing.

The body and chassis are both in very poor condition. My plans would probably have included a new chassis when I had the garage space and time available. Body may have rescuable with effort and a skim.

Reg No VOO56L

Engine P27842

Chassis 72090909L

Any news would be greatly appreciated.

I note that post from BUG was withdrawn yesterday. Does anyone know whether Bug was really buying or selling? My +2S 130 was stolen on the 10th of this month.
Maybe BUG has got a car now, or just coincidentally given up. Not an accusation, just a request for info.



After reading this post I realised what a mistake I?d made (and others) using my full name to register with If you have an unusual name, a reasonable search of the Internet will bring up all your details, including home address, making it easier for a thief to find the car of their choice.
I?ve looked on the site to see if I can change my Loggon or even remove my name from the site altogether (but re-registering under a different name) with out finding a facility.

I’ve emailed the site administrator to see if this can be added as an option for a future site revision, but in the short term I’ve asked to be removed from the site as a precaution.

Colin Thatcher

I will be back…but… as someone else