Distributor parts

As I wrote in an earlier post, I did som mis-cabling, and burnt the condenser and pointbraker in my +2s distributor.

Thru my local Lotus mechanic I bought new parts, and it was time to fit them this morning.

But, with my normal luck they didn’t fit…
So, does anyone have a correct partnumber for the condenser and pointbraker for a Lucas 43D4 distributor?

I have a 43D distributor and looking back through my records found DCB104C and DSB108C, I think they are Lucas part numbers. I now have Magnetronic ignition.


I’m browsing Burton’s WEB, seems they have the parts. Guess I’ll place an order within short time.

For the distributor of my S3, I once used distributordoctor.com. It’s in the UK. I had my distibutor refurbished. Very good job. They also have parts.