Hi all,
Hmmm. Carefull here! I spent a fair time yesterday ‘servicing’ the dishwasher. I was quite carefull when I put some bits in and had cleaned most of the muck off etc. Still made a bit of a mess of the machine. Mrs B so far has not noticed anything (smell was not as bad as using the oven) It was a bit gungy though. Am I nuts or what!
Results were not brilliant either. I will stick to my washer tank methinks.
Anyone got a magic wand detergent/method ?? Anyone completely ruined their dishwasher doing this?
Someone suggested that! They owe me a dishwasher!!!
I’v done worse… We used to make ‘bangers’ form bread bags filled with oxy/accet!!!
Please do not try this They are BIG bangers.
1st time we tried it my partner and I were in our saw servicing shop, a bit bored,when I told him the method. 1st time we had tried it. Filled the bag, put it out on our carpark lit the masking tape fuse (burns well that stuff!!) We were just standing watching this expecting a good bang…as you do! We got what I would discribe as a loud ‘fluff’ noise and a good deal of yellow flame. (This should have told us something. Big clue is the YELLOW flame) Partner Dave said it would need to be indoors to get the ‘effect’ of the bang. So we decided to ty that (see where this is going?)
Making the banger this time I thought I would up the oxy’ content in the bag and I made it a bit bigger . We placed it on the floor of our showroom part of our shop which had a big sliding door and was walled off from the machine shop with a stud / Giprock wall. We stood there again to watch the bang. BIG mistake. When I regained my senses and took a look round I noticed a lot more daylight. I am cracking up here writing this… Anyway. Sliding door had gone. Partision wall…gone! windows?? Gone… Roof was up off the walls, and you could see daylight all round (It was a bigish building) Partner Dave was also err …Gone. I found him sitting against a wall, dusting off his ‘bunnet’. I was near deaf. but I still heard him say… ‘‘That’s what I call a bang ecky’’
We just had time to compose ourselfs b4 the blue lights arrived. Place was full of firemen enquiring about the explosion. We denied everything. What explosion? Their faces were a picture. We did not do that again!! Took a few days to get the workshop roof back into position and the place shipshape.
Didn’t half get rid of the dust though!
Repeat…Don’t try this at home…
I will tell you all another of a similar theme when stopped laughing, when I blew up our car renting neighbour. Later guys…even more dangerous/hillarious. Depending on point of view.
I do find an old teapot good for topping up. I have one for oil, and another for antifreeze mix. Good for keeping out dirt from the contents.
Now tried a few products in the dishwasher. Don’t suppose white spirit would be a good idea? I will go get some finish b4 Mrs B spots the mess. Thanks. LF
The key to a big bang is to get the gas/oxygen proportions correct.
It reminds me of the school chemistry lab demo. Take an empty golden syrup tin. Cut a small hole in the top and a slighly larger one in the base. Fill with gas from a bunsen burner and light the escaping gas at the top, you get a small gas flame. Air is drawn into the base and all runs well until the gas/air mixture weakens to the explosive proportion. If the lid is tight enough, you get a big bang!
It’s the same principle as the gas leak blowing up tower block flats and I think it’s also why weak mixtures can cause pre-ignition in cars.
I was told of an industrial version of the big bang…
a bin liner filled with oxy/acetylene,speaker cable poked through it,wires nearly touching,long run of cable to a car battery…and the key ingredient…a 50 gallon oil drum placed over the bin liner!!
the site was at least fifty acres and they never found the oil drum!!
this was way before the anti-terrorism act…do not try this at home.
Oh yes! That’s the key alright.Hence the yellow flame clue…I got it right on the second attemp though!
The other story before we retired the banger making.
On my own.In the same workshop. Next door to us was a space we rented to a guy, (Barry), who hired out bangers and oldish vans.
I decided it was about time for another big bang. Made one, and in the pitch dark, freezing cold night, placed it round the side of our shop, where the access road ran up to the carpark and Barry’s ‘lot’. I’m not sure what caused the delay! but it seamed to take forever for the banger to go off. It did eventually and I went back to work. 1/2hr or so later Partner Dave arrives with Barry (and his dog) in tow. Literally! He was dragging the poor sod along. We manhandled the out for the count Barry into our warm workshop and close to the heater. He came round after a min or so. Dave asked him what happened. Had he slipped on the icy road? He replied woozzily, that he came walking up the drive and saw what he thought was a candle burning in the middle of the road. After shinning his torch onto the said ‘candle’ he said he could not remember anything more Partner Dave was giving me queer looks by now, and I was helpless with laughter. (I had to go outside as this looked very bad. Me pissing myself at someone’s missfortune) Dave gave Barry a cup of tea and said he was going for his car to run Barry and dog home. Passing me on the way out he inquired if I had ‘blown the bugger up’ The fact I could not answer him from my all fours position answered his question. I had it appeared! But how was I to know Barry was about to start his way up the drive when I placed the banger? Doesn’t make you a bad person!
The shop next to ours had a fellow that was restoring an MGB. He came to us with a leaky gas tank wanting us to weld it up. We declined but explained the procedure for filling it with either water or argon to get the explosive volume down. He explained this was not necessary as the tank had been bone dry for two years and he would just do it himself and he dissapeared into his garage. You know where this is headed. There was a very loud KABOOOOOM follow by him stumbling out of his garage with a wild look and even wilder hair. The suitcase like gas tank was now pumpkin like and round. He is lucky he didn’t die.
This is getting way off topic but still interesting !
The trick for oxy/acetylene “minor explosions” is to get the gas proportions correct or you merely get a little “whoof” and a yellow flame.
So…light up a good welding flame and then snuff it out by dragging a bit of wood or similar across the tip.
The flame goes out but the escaping gas is in exactly the right proportions.
Feed it into a balloon, or condom if you don’t have any other use for it, and tie a knot in it, ( the balloon…).
The easiest fuse is simply a sheet of newspaper wrapped around it and lit at one end. A small balloon that you can encompass with two hands will make a helluva big bang with no danger of flying schrapnel, but maybe, as has been noted, the requirement for a " what…me?" story when the enquiries start to be made.
At school we did the same trick (when the teacher was out of the way) using a larger can & using an inverted tinplate funnel as the lid.
We managed to get the funnel to stick in the ceiling quite a few times.
Hey Mark, you watching; Ripping Yarns heh?
Thanks for that tip I’ve now enjoyed watching a couple.
Wilco John, Car is packed (good boot on the Z4!!) Off @ 09.30 tomorow.Ferry @ 1700hrs. 1 car and 7 bikes. Staying in a winebarrel on Sunday and Monday nights.
Next year it will be a handfull of Elans. Eh guys??