Anyone got a good solution for a dipstick that keeps coming out? Whether I put it in “correctly”, or 180 degrees around, it still manages to get loose after a little bit. I haven’t been able to come up with a good way to make it a little tighter. Ideas? Thanks. Jeff Still in Arctic Chicago When Will It Ever End, For Pete’s Sake it is March
Hi Jeff,
If you do a search under dipstick there has been quite a bit of discussion on this topic. Various solutions including using a spring or an HT lead rubber sleeve which also helps to prevent oil mist creeping up the tube.
I’ve done both in an attempt to reduce the oil leakage. Difficult to get access to photograph, but these shoild show what I did.
Bend it like Beckham! Surely all you need to do is put a SLIGHT curve in the stick somewhere toward the bottom, to make it a push fit in the tube.
I use an HT lead sleeve on mine, just to keep the area cleaner.
It looks neat and works very well
I concur w. John. A plug boot on the oil tube works well to control oil loss.
I also measured the tube height on the block to confirm it was in spec.When I filled the sump and filter to the
stated capacity, the dipstick read half full after a brief run up. I now use this level as Full. I was overfilling the sump before.
Hi ,
The dipstik area is often a problem , so I have …
Even having it bend , it move up … after a while .
On racers , I have seen many similar solutions like Brian 's pictures .
Some others add fluo paint on the spring , just in case of …
This is still on my too long “to do” list.
thanks all…i probably will use both suggested methods. phil is right about checking spec…when i rebuilt, found out that the BOTTOM of the fill level was actually full up…BEWARE!
My Elan had the wrong dipstick when I bought it. I just ground the old marks off, filled it to level, marked it and filed some new marks.
The correct dipstick has the part number embossed on the blade. 105E-6752B.
There has however, been some debate in the past regarding the dipstick tube length which needs to be correct for the dipstick to be meaningful. FWIW, I have no idea if it is correct, but the length of the tube in my engine is 71.3mm (2.13/16") from the point where it fits into the block.