Dip switch conversion

Hello all,

I’m planning on converting the foot-operated headlight dip switch on my 67 S3 to a column-mounted stalk switch. Anything I should be wary of?

I’m sure this has been done, but perhaps not written about here. No success with the “search” function.

Thanks and Happy Motoring

Make the change. Adds to the ‘charm’ of the car.

I thought my 1966 S2 was the only one I’ve seen with the footswitch. It doesn’t do anything - the car is fitted with a functional Hi/Low/Off dipswitch as part of the turnsignal stalk.

Mine looks like page M-102 (but LHD) as shown in the Workshop Manual.

How many others have the footswitch? And does it do anything?

I did rotate the stalk assembly 180 degrees to put the turn signals on the left. It also makes the headlamp switch better for me ergonomically: DOWN = OFF, UP = ON.

My footswitch dips the lights, and there is no dip switch on the steering column - the mounting point is blanked off. This is also a '66 S2, US spec, which might have something to do with it. I’m used to the footswitch, but it would be nice to have someplace to rest my big left foot when it isn’t busy. For some reason I’m reluctant to rest it on the switch even when the lights are off. Since the lights are now controlled by relays (so the full current isn’t routed through the switch), the conversion would be easy. Another item for the winter project list.

My footswitch controls the hi/lo beam as intended. However it’s barely usable when driving at night and shifting using the clutch pedal. Not enough room even with my average size (10) feet in the smallish bicycling shoes I reserve for Elan duty.

Anything special I need to watch out for? Someone said the wires should actually already be in the column. That would be nice.