Diff & GBox oils

Are all experts happy to drain & fill both with the same 80w90 ?
Should any brands be avoided or preferred? :question:

Hi,i use the same on my plus 2,millers for what its worth.



Hi, all the car’s life I’ve used whatever 80-90W was in the garage or whatever was on special. After a lot of browsing on this site and others I’ve bought the car some Redline GL4 and GL5 - dear at double the price(?16 a quart) but I wanted to try it. Only got it today so will let you - and the rest - know soon.

As for Experts,
Expert: EX=redundant, (S)pert = a drip under pressure.

I second the choice of Redline oils, see steveww.org/index.php?id=138

Redline MTL transformed the gearshift on my car from notchy to smooth just like everyone had predicted. Expensive - but worth it.

When I modified my diff I was told by the diff manufacturer to use any EP90 oil from a reputable company, and anything ‘special’ would not be worth the extra cost.

With regard to the 5 speed box in the Plus 2, has anybody tried normal engine oil? I ask because the Maxi enging and box shared the same oil. My Plus 2 needs a little more effort to dis-engage it from fifth which makes change downs less than smooth. I wondered if thinner oil might overcome this issue and as most of the post on this thread imply more difficult changes with EP80.

Any comments and/or experiences?


Good thinking Graham…waiting replies…

John :wink:

Never tried engine oil in my plus2s 130/5 but Redline MTL certainly improved the gear change. Engine oils dont provide the best lubricaton to gear teeth so i would stick with a properly formulated gear oil such as MTL


If you do decide to use engine oil in the box you’ll have to change it at least as frequently as you change the oil in your engine (which happens as a matter of course in Mini/Maxi engines) owing to the rapid breakdown of the oil as a result of the shearing effect of the gear teeth.


Good point. It makes absolute sense.


Graham, for the rear axle you will need a gear oil rated API-GL5, since the crownwheel and pinion is of hypoid design. Pretty sure the gearbox doesn’t need the GL5, but not sure that it will do any harm. However don’t use GL4 oil in the rear axle.

