DHC Sprint Mathewsons

See a nice looking DHC Sprint at Mathewsons October sale , SMS Body restoration etc guide £24,000- £26,000 have prices dropped that far?

I would have thought the estimate way low… looks lovely - https://www.mathewsons.co.uk/auction/lot/lot-770—1972-lotus-elan-dhc-sprint/?lot=35782&so=0&st=lotus&sto=0&au=83&ef=&et=&ic=False&sd=0&pp=48&pn=1&g=1

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Probably because the VIN plate shows a type 36 (FHC)

This is a genuine Sprint. It left the factory as a FHC in Tawny Brown over white, though, so has had a colour change and roof chop.

As Brian points out, this will have had an effect on value.


Yes, but not to that extend… guess we will see soon.

True, but then Matthewson’s always undersell their cars, I feel.

If it had been tarted up a bit and entered into a Bonhams/Barons/Ionic/Historic auction I suspect the guide prices at least would have rather more value in them.

If say a fair value for a running, non-concours but honest FHC Sprint of late 1972 was, say £30,000, what do you knock off for it having been converted to a DHC? A couple of thousand, perhaps?

Having said all that, its an auction and if a couple of folk with the desire to own that car on that day start bidding against each other, who knows what it ends up going for!


Steve Loader had a DHC Sprint that had had the roof cut off. He could not give the car away when he wanted to sell it. And that was when prices were high.

I was about to get my car keys out to take a look at the auction car, but then it was pointed out that it was a chop top. No thanks, not at any price…almost. And certainly not at circa £20k. I cannot imagine the angst of having that sort of money in a car and not being able to dispose of it should you need to. No, no and NO. The boy is not for turning.


If the chop was done correctly it should be ok. In the past Chris Neil used to sell “Sprint Kit” to convert to Sprint. I wonder where they are. The more chopping the less fhc left. I like the fhc very “cosy”.

Hi Leslie,
What did Steve do get the “super glue” out and phone Boss Motors.
Who chopped it and thought they could sell it and make a quick Buck.
The bonus with a fhc no leaks when it rains.

Yep, I’d value it at around 22k max, it’s a “chopper”, had a colour change, not original Webers. That’s just what we can see from the photos.
But who knows, it’s probably a very nice driving car, but would you want one at much more than that ?
We Elan owners (& ex owners looking for a car), tend to be very particular, the vast majority want something original , matching numbers if possible, & a very small percentage want a 26R clone.
Hardly anyone wants a converted FHC, unless it’s at the right price.
I’m afraid I wouldn’t entertain a roof-chopped one for £2000 less than an original, more like 4/5 times that figure.
I think that as an FHC, it would be right, as it stands, at c. £32000.
Having said all that, I’d wager it’ll do nearer the guide price, especially if 2 guys are bidding, and more so if they don’t understand what it really is.
I’ll be going up there the week after next to view something else for a friend. I’ll have a look at it while I’m there.

‘What did Steve do get the “super glue” out and phone Boss Motors’

No, he got his phone out and called Ken Myers.

‘Who chopped it and thought they could sell it and make a quick Buck’

Well, Buckland certainly made a quick buck on it. But after he f…ked it up, the car went to Myers to be properly sorted, but the car stayed as a DHC, see pictures.

Steve bought it from a fellow in Scotland, already chopped. I do not recall if he knew it was a FHC, we are talking circa 20 odd years ago, and folk were less concerned about chopping, or not to chop back then. Also prices had not risen to crazy levels at that time. Crazy, but not super crazy.

‘The bonus with a fhc no leaks when it rains’

The bonus Alain, with a DHC and decent fitting hood is, they don’t leak either. The double bonus with a DHC is, when the sun shines, you can remove the hood and lap up the rays, which I happen to like. In moderation of course.


Hi Leslie,
+1 for dropping the Ragtop when the Sun comes out.
Never had a dhc Elan all this talk about Choppers dear me how obscene.
I’m lucky to have a TVR 3000S for that and put up with the leaks. Or just drive faster so the rain goes over our heads. Maybe it needs a new Ragtop but not for the moment i just forked out for a very rare Hardtop made by Duncan Rubens 100%.

Strange seeing the formatting on that vin plate on that vehicle and comparing it to my genuine type 45 DHC (July 72 production)

Both have the same 36B1135 part number in the top right hand corner

Mine has an ‘alt unit number box’ with type 45 in it rather the type 36 stamped in a blank area on the Mathewsons car

Thats interesting - my 1970 crossover sprint has the same plate as the Matthewsons car but with type 45 stamped in the top right corner and no engine number stamped on.

Went to see this car, and another for a friend at Mathewson’s today. On the face of it, it’s a very nice Elan, albeit a chopped FHC. Very good paint, tidy interior, good underneath, pretty well cared for.
I think someone will see it, not knowing what it is, and it might fetch the top end of the guide price.
Other interest in it whilst I was there. You never know.

Pretty enough. But non original side repeaters I think.

As Leslie says… I’d be pretty gutted if I bought it not knowing it was a chopped FHC. I read the listing and there is no mention of this. Probably have some legal recourse in that case?

I doubt there would be any legal recourse, auctions are normally “Buyer Beware”, especially if the owner hasn’t told Mathewsons too.

I wonder whether it is worth sending Mathewsons an email telling them of the mistake or whether they don’t give a damn.

It is likely that the owner has not told them hoping to ship it off onto some unsuspecting purchaser hence beng in an auction. I am amazed how many people buy classic cars with no prior research of the marque they are putting their cash into. If it only hits £26k they probably have a good buy as it looks a good car from the photos and had a rebuild by SMS.

I have a couple of friends that I have got into classics and they both went out and bought cars and bikes without any research or asking me to check. They have both lost cash and are now starting to listen. Part of the fun to me is doing your research into a car and asking marque specialists for advice.


Auction site information for the car has been updated concerning the conversion to DHC.

So, the Sprint chop-top made £29250… then with the 7.5% buyers premium, = almost £31500.

I do hope the winning bidder knew what he was buying.