Dhc S4

This may sound as if i am odd! However, can anybody please help out?

I took my newly finished S4 DHC out last summer in some very hot weather. I have a spyder roll cage fitted with the little head rests. The bar would appear to cause air turbulence that causes air on the back of my neck. Within minutes I ended up with neck ache that got worse the more I drove. The only way I can drive it is with a “bob” hat and scraf. My wife thought I was an old tart until I took her out and she suffered the same.

We are in out forties. Are we both old tarts? Or is there some kind of mesh affair that you can put across to break this air business. My friend reckons there is. After all, there is nothing to beat the open feel of the DHC. I was fed up with driving hooded up in nice weather.

regards Mike

I have a S4 dhc with Spyder chasis and roll bar but I do not suffer the same back draft problem as you. I do not think there is anyone that makes them but I am sure you could fabricate something. Having seen these draft screens on other sports cars they are just a mesh fabric stretched across behind the front seats.


Its a common problem on roadsters. The wind loops back and comes in from behind.

I found these sites , just do a bit of searching and you may find one for a mazda you can modify.



I know you can buy them but I have never seen one on an elan but fitting one cant be hard can it?


s4 dhc with the wind in his bald head!

Steve and Dave thanks for the replies. All useful. Glad to see it is not just me.

I will probably make a fixed see through type as the sites seem to indicate they are the most effective.

Thanks Mike