der vas nict blitzen

WELLLLL—I was bothered by intermitent and hard starting on 26R s2 33 -and it finally wouldnt start at all meaning I would miss Thanksgiving services --[sorry Vicker]----time to leap into action -soooo I checked the ignition switch --the tac leads-- wire after wire after [you get the idea]–out to the engine bay checked all leads and found ----ta da ------THE F-EN internal power lead in the distributor to the points was broken —repaired same added new points and condenser while I as at it -set timing by ear -it bursts merrily to life on the first turn of the crank --[the strobe is for tomorrow ]–runs like freight train — Im off to celebrate with many Molson Canadian - just another thing to be thankfull for on this holiday :laughing: :laughing: -ed

A Men on the Molson’s!


Prefer Shaftsbury Cream myself.

??? is that something you put on pumpkin pie :confused: ???ed

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day…

Teach a man to fish and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day! :open_mouth:

Shaftsbury Cream is a very tasty dark beer available at most disreputable bars in the Vancouver area.

I thought Ausses were rough tough [ a few of the Aussie Shilas I dated sure were ]— we weaker Canadian cousins play games with terms like --slashing -and boarding --fighting --sudden death —charging -cross checking -etc not games with terms like --love and point and serve --but we dont got no beer called cream over here either — :laughing: ed