Does anyone have any pdfs they could mail me of pages for the workshop manual for Dellorto’s? I’ve got a +2S130 with DHLA40’s, and the weber info in the workshop manual doesn’t help me much !
I’ve an “e-book” somewhere on Dellorto’s, can’t seem to find it right now and my Dellorto tuning books are still in boxes. … lortos.pdf
The Elan factory in Oz also has a tech sheet on them
Depending what info you need. There is loads of info about setting up Dellortos and exploded diagrams od 40 DHLAs on the web. Most of it taken from the main tuning manuals.
If you need some specific info email me as I have a Dellorto tuning book.
Excellent! Brilliant pdf document, exactly what I was looking for…
The car kept stopping/almost stopping yesterday, on the first proper drive after taking it out after the winter a week ago, where it stood with a quite low level in the tank… So my theory is crap in the fuel. There wasn’t a proper filter in the line, so I replaced the hard plastic Lotus fuel lines between pump and carbs with new hose, and added a big Purolator filter, also the inter-carb pipe. The original hard plastic hose was CRACKED by the pump outlet, with the excellent remedy of wrapping it with some rubber-like tape. ALSO squashed at this point, impeding fuel flow no doubt… put some redex in the tank, and will go for a drive tonight. Or was this a bad idea?
I HOPE I don’t have to take out the tank out, as on my +2S130 I suspect this is a big job…?
Also; carb cleaners in spray can form, that supposedly work well when sprayed into the trumpets etc… , do they work or not?
(as you can see I’m scared of dismantling the perfectly set-up Dellortos…)