Does anyone know of a good machine shop that could prep my Datsun crank for my 711M block? I am located south of Wichita Kansas and would like to use someone local if possible. If anyone also has Twin Cam pistons and lightweight rods for this build laying around due to a change in direction, I would be interested in hearing from them as well. Thanks in advance.
You’ll probably find that factoring in the machining cost that the total cost won’t be that much different from getting a nice steel one from the uk. It’s only a four counterweight crank too. I almost went down the same route but in the end decided to use an 8 counterweight steel crank from the uk instead. You have to factor in the cost of the custom flywheel too.
I have a matched set of Omega forged twincam pistons measuring 3.256"(82.71mm) and prepped 125E rods. The pistons are domed to 0.105" They have about 12 race hours on them in a Formula B vintage race car.
On edit: I also have a set of 2737 (Cortina GT) rods. They are in excellent shape, but require resizing and preparation.
PM me if you are interested.
There was a shop in KC, Williams engine service. Charlie Williams passed last May, but I believe his son is building engines now. I will see if I can find some contact info.
The other alternative is a cast steel 711 crank, built by SCAT. Ivey Engines in Portland OR sells them fully prepped. I buy all my Formula Ford engine parts from Jay and Cameron Ivey. He rebuilt my FF motor last year. Absolutely first rate builder.
That FF crank is a good option where it’s necessary to stay within racing regulations - i.e Formula Ford. If you don’t need to stay within the parameters of racing regulations there are better options available.
Hi Blake,
There’s always Engelke Machine in Lester Prairie, the next time you’re in Minnesota for a visit.
Nice to see that you’re still busy ‘playing car’.
Happy Holidays,
You can get Chinese made 8 counterweight steel cranks over the Web. You see them advertised as “Maxspeeding” if you google. Not sure about the quality as I have never personally used one in a race engine . Other engine builders here in Australia have used them and believe they are OK. Price wise, unless you can do your own crank machining they are competitive with the Datsun L16 crank conversion though I doubt they are ultimately as strong as the forged steel L16 crank
They also sell Carrillo look alike steel rods. Again never used them but others have and believe them OK. But for something this critical I will keep putting Carrillo rods in my competition engines for a while yet
A UK made 8 counterweight crank is about $AUD 2,700 versus a Chinese Ebay crank for around $AUD 2,100. For me it’s a no brainer which one to choose and no the UK ones aren’t Chinese ones rebranded. Price difference is more pronounced with conrods $400 for Chinese versus around $1200 for a European or US made set. I personally like Saenz rods. OE suppliers to Cosworth - nuff said about quality then!
Well, after much discussion and digging, seems like it isn’t a great idea to modify one of these. There was a company in Australia that made flywheels, but they no longer offer them. I think I will keep my builds using the stock Lotus crank, they won’t be run hard anyway. I just have this crank sitting here and thought it was a good idea to put it to use…Thanks to everyone who responded.