
I have just received a new dashboard for my 1967 Elan S3 from Susan Miller. It is magnificent. I’ll post a photo tomorrow.

John Larkin.

cannot wait for the photo can we have some cost aswell plse.

Here’s my best effort at a photo. I cannot get an image that does justice to the high quality of finish and the deep lustre.

John Larkin

Looks beautiful. What goes in the hole on the left (passenger) side of the radio blank? Voltmeter or ammeter? I have an S4 with a generator and no ammeter, but was considering putting one in. I should probably just spend the money converting to a modern alternator and then I wouldn’t really have to worry about it anymore. Dan

A clock goes in the hole to the left of the radio aperture.


flickr.com/photos/16638375@N … 202952079/

Helps to stop damage when fitting up

I trust (hope) you realise thats a S4 / Sprint dashboard you have photod & not a S3 !!!. or did some very late S3`s have S4 type switches ?

My S3 SS 36/7502 has the rocker switches as the S4 and my '69 Plus 2. I do not have the clock!

The Dash looks great. Susan Miller has very nice ones.

Bill Fralick

Bill, That’s because your S3 is a Super Safety. Earlier S3s have toggle switches. Some of (but not all) late S3s were built as Super Safety models. The low backed seats have rear anchors, so they don’t tip forward, the gauges are recessed into the dash, rocker switches, special interior door handles and plastic door pulls rather than the rigid pull handles made as part of the window frame, as early S3s. Dual brake MC, Stromburg type bonnet over Weber carbs. Reflectors on each corner, either bolt-on wheels or K-O wheels w/ three eared spinners, but with the ears turned in rather than out. Lots of little details.


Thanks Neil for the idea for holding the dash when fitting up.

My car was dispatched from the factory on the 25th September 1967, which makes it an S3. I bought the car in 1974. Tony Thompson checked it out for me a few years ago and pointed out details that were inconsistent with the standard S3, and which were really S4 features — rear lights, wheelarches, and rocker switches. However is has S3 interior door handles, boot lock and tilting seats. It has a heated rear screen that was never wired up. It has a bulge on the bonnet but it has Webers and not Strombergs. There were two other features that he had not seen before — there is no raised lip in the GRP at the leading edge of each roof pillar air vent, and the interior is red. The plastic moulding over the transmission is red plastic right through — not painted. The cam cover has the LOTUS cast into it the “wrong” way round — it’s upside down if read from the driver’s seat. All of the above are as the car was when I got it. The clock is an extra that I added, and I am now (about time too!) wiring up the heated rear screen.

The car was first owned by the Vandervell family (Vanwall Racing) so maybe Lotus decided to do something special with it during assembly.

John Larkin.

I forgot to mention that my old dashboard has red lettering identifying the switches. It was always difficult to read.


Put some photos up, John. Your car sounds facinating!

Hi John

I also have a red interior in my car, including the red console. You are the only other person that I know who has one of these (red console that is). Christain, who has the beautiful “Old English White” also has a red interior but I do not think (from some of his pictures) that he has the red console. I think they are supposedly rather rare (around the 23/24 off cars with red trims) although my car is an earlier elan than yours (late 65 s3 coupe). What colour is the exterior of your car?

As Mark says, please post some pictures asap (I’m in desperate need of some inspiration for me to get on & finish mine) :smiley:

Nice dash too, I also have one from Susan & I’m very pleased with mine.

All the best



Hi Adam,

I have never before come across another Elan with an original red interior. I was told years ago that 60 were made. Mine has been yellow for twenty plus years, but was Medici Blue when I got it in 1974.

The carpets were replaced a few years ago. The driver’s carpet rotted due to a huge persistent water leak that I am sorting now. The passenger side carpet was set on fire by the exhaust while climbing to the Stelvio Pass last September.

