Dash Lettering

Some while ago there was a string going about where to purchase dash lettering. Most of the posts talked about the pre made vinyl stick on sets supplied by the usual Lotus outfits. I don’t like the thickness of these & a couple of other people were talking about using Letraset. Does anyone have a source for this type of transfer lettering? I would like to buy a couple of sheets for my S4 restoration. I am in Canada but will be visiting the UK in early May for a month. Any help in sourcing this product would be appreciated.


Any decent stationary stores should stock lettraset (W.H.Smith etc.etc.)

John :wink:

Letraset products are available on-line from their web site. This site also lists stockists including the Loomis Art Stores at several locations around Toronto. I can’t recall the proper style and size at this point.

Thanks for your help everyone. For some reason the last time I tried a Goggle for Letraset I got e-bay sites only. The correct font is I believe a 10pt. Microgramma Bold Extended. Anyone disagree with this?

I marked what I wanted on a template of the dash on paper, took a chunk of the old dash to show the type lettering and had the dash labels silk screened in white epoxy onto the fully finished and long-dried refinished dash–much nicer than stick on lettering and when you’ve got the beautifuly done dash seems right to go so far. Gordon Sauer