Dash Lettering (labels) Layout

I’m about to adhere the switch labels to my 72 Federal Sprint, but I can’t find in the archives any photos or other info that would help place them in the right spot.

Could someone post a picture or two of the dash area where the switches are and the warning lights so I can get an idea of the distance from the switch and whether it is above or below the respective switch? A ruler in the photo, or a few measurements would really be nice!

Are the Federal cars any different in this respect?


As no one with a federal car as replied here is a pic of my (domestic) Sprint, dont know if it will help.
Just added a pic of the warning lights,
top left=hand brake light (red although it looks yellow in the pic) by factory
top right=indicator (green) added by me
bottom left=heated rear screen (yellow fitted by factory)
bottom right= (blue…spare fitted by me)
The lights are on …see the reflection on the steering wheel

Thanks for the pictures, that helps a bunch. Do you know if the window switches should be labeled?

I would still appreciate it if anyone with a Federal Sprint could post some pics!



Between the words “WINDSHIELD” and “LIGHTS”, dead center above the window switches is the word “WINDOWS”. There is nothing below these switches. Hope this helps.

see lotuselan.de/a/cockpit2.jpg
(German LHD)

Thanks guys, for the pics and the 'splainers. That should be enough for now. Also, you answered one of my questions…the decal set came with the words lights and lamps, so now I know “lights” is the correct one to use.


Almost done with the lettering. It looks great and is so much easier than the Datakoat individual letters I did on my Europa years ago!

But I need help with the warning lights. Could someone with a Federal car tell me what the lights are labeled from left to right?

On my car they are from L to R, Yellow, Green and Red. The yellow flashes with the hazards, but the green and red don’t do anything.

Also, what is the correct label for the 4-way flasher switch? Is it Hazard, or Emergency?

Lastly, should the cigar lighter be labeled?


“But I need help with the warning lights. Could someone with a Federal car tell me what the lights are labeled from left to right?”

These three labels are beneath the lights. Above the PARK and FAIL lights is another label that reads BRAKES

“On my car they are from L to R, Yellow, Green and Red. The yellow flashes with the hazards, but the green and red don’t do anything.”

On my car they are from L to R, Orange, Yellow, Red. The Orange flashes with the hazards, the Yellow lights when the parking brake is on, and the Red lights when the brake fluid is low or the test button, located in the underdash cover is depressed. The style of the Orange hazard light does not seem to match that of the other two lights as it is slightly different. Also, the hazard rocker switch itself does not match the other switches exactly as it is the only rocker switch that has not discolored over the years. It’s almost as if Lotus purchased the hazard switch and light from another vendor because hazard warning systems were not required in all markets. As a result, the hazard switch and the hazard light do not match the others exactly.

“Also, what is the correct label for the 4-way flasher switch? Is it Hazard, or Emergency?”


“Lastly, should the cigar lighter be labeled?”


Thanks Frank, I think that will do it!

My 71 Europa hazard switch is also different than the rest of the rockers, so they must have come from the same batch. And it still looks like new.

Thanks again,