Cylinder head damage, advice please!

I have just dug the cylinder head out of storage and it looks as if number 3 cylinder has at some point had an unhealthy apetite for something hard!!
will it be ok to use like this or should it be repaired? The damage consists of a number of “digs” into the head face (the black bits if the pic isnt clear enough
sorry the pics a bit blurred



Should be O.K. It happened to be once from a small washer, a few marks but no lasting damage. Just check there is no valve/seat damage.

I agree with Brian. I’ve seen a lot worse. Nothing to worry about. Enjoy your car.

Frank Howard
'71 S4 SE

Had bits of a ring buried in mine. Dug them out and smoothed over the sharp edges with a punch.
Still going fine and happened 20 years ago.

71 Sprint.

thanks guys, its a long way from being fired up yet though!


I had that happen when something was ingested into the cylinder head ----a welder added aluminum and I shaped with a file and much care —ed