I have read lots of old threads on the topic, but there doesn’t seem to be any relatively new ones. There doesn’t seem to be a definitive opinion. So I’m looking at the options and opinions on conversion set ups that are available for the Elan. I will also fitting new Spax inserts (already have them) so a damper mod is an option. How serious of an issue is suspension droop? It seems many are running cv conversion with no modifications to limit droop and have no issue. And there are some that have made modifications ie straps, cables, damper piston mod, etc. I am aware of the no droop issues Elantrikbits set up being most recommended (price is the obvious issue at about $CAD 1600). The Miller/Kelvedon kit gets good reviews and there seems to be plenty running with no mods and no issues. What are the thoughts of those that have had them installed for awhile now and are the newest versions of the set any better or improved from what was on the market 10 years ago?
Most recent topic link below.
I’ve run mickmiiler cv drive shafts since 2002 without problems
Fit and forget
Yep. MM driveshafts all day long.
When I bought Kelvedon shafts, the very helpful man there said that they used to recommend shortening the shock absorber shafts by 20 mm, but now they have changed that to 25mm.
So it looks to me that it should be done.
As my shocks were in excellent condition and I couldn’t find how to get into them, I cut back the shoulder and fitted a spacer under the nut.
The Plus 2 does not need any alterations due to its wider track.
Eric in Burnley