Crash pad foam replacement piece

Finaly I found it: :smiley: The heat shapeable foam board is:

BASF Basotect TG

Its heat shapable, flame resistent and sound dampening. Used in Aircrafts (seats for Boeing etc), cars (sound) and Train systems.
Sold as board in various thickness and sizes. It will take and hold shape and still be kind of soft and elastic. Coverd with vinyl and You got Your perfect crashpad…


Interesting but where do you get it in small quantities. I am sure BASF will want to tell it by the tonne.

Anna, How do you think we could form this on a DIY basis? It seems the ideal material but the dash crash pad is a quite complex shape. ie 3d curves and various thickneses.
The base material seems ideal but who can shape it for us?

If the amount of heat required is not too excessive, surely a mould made from grp and timber or steel could be used (grp for shape , timber or steel for reinforcement)


…to shape with heat gun over wooden block to curve and trimm with a surgeon blade.
