crash pad __anti-roll bar

1st question
I have to replace the Crash Pad on S4 Sprint, but I am looking for the best supplier because it seems that there are differences in quality and shape
can you give your choices, experience
2nd question
the stabilizer bar has a flat at each end where the shock absorber is fixed. In which direction should it go? Either the dish up or down? during assembly the 2 possibilities are possible?

This may answer your second question…

More info here …


Afraid I can’t help with the first question.

I recommend the crash pad that “Famous Frank” offers. Just installed one in my S4, very pleased with quality.

But leave me the address to find it!

I bought and installed an S3 crashpad from Paul Matty and it was very nice quality. It didn’t fit perfectly, and did stand out from the body attachment points at right and left side by about 1/2", but the material is so flexible it didn’t matter.
I also bought an S4 crashpad and it’s of the same high quality, but I have yet to install it.

Frank is in Georgia USA so delivery would be expensive to France. Here’s his Web site.

It doesn’t list the crash pad so perhaps email him at

[email protected]

I’m thinking of trying to recover my crashpad with new vinyl. Has anyone any experience of using the 4 way stretch vinyl fabric that several suppliers in the U.K. Offer? They say it’s suitable for things like crashpads where there is several changes of contour to contend with. Just a thought ?

Have a look at the archives on here, there is a photographic record of this being done. From memory, it was someone in the US on a yellow Elan !! Maybe 6 years ago ?

Rodlittle described making the whole thing from scratch in his “Rebuild of 3 XBF” I think it was called. Probably 2012 as I saw him at Goodwood with it in 2013. i remember he stretched the fabric over his own fabricated base.